Avantgarde Sound *for the love of the machine
The George Floyd Case, I Can’t Breathe v2
the great отец case

*For the love of the machine

We do our stuff out of love. We love and create machines that help us, that enable us, that encourage us, that work for us, that vigorously empower our intelligent processes instead of taking over them.

The concept of “boutique” and “handcrafted” art and music production equipment is in fact realized here with us as opposed to the mere marketing term shamelessly used by some penny-counting megacorporations.

And no, we will not just give in; we are a true boutique shop, they ARE NOT.

Instruments and accessories that stand for something

Our multiple series of software and hardware instruments, and avant-garde music production accessories/tools stand for humanism, art, tolerance, empathy.

We don’t cater to spineless careerists, greedy and selfish opportunists; we cater to humans who love humans and thus cherish human expressions.

Our creations are an actual source of inspiration and encouragement since 2011 for artists to choose their side in History, both politically and culturally; to not be afraid; to speak out through their deeds and arts; to deliver and be delivered through and within their zeitgeist. We embrace this pivotal point and great challenge together. May the best ideas for all of us prevail.

We rant because we are alive.

We love our friends and colleagues

It’s very simple: people who choose us are the same people that we would choose. Can’t be put easier than this. It’s called compatibility.

We go beyond “the expected” to help and assist our friends/colleagues (others call them “customers”.) Talk to us: support attt

Oh, yes, we do custom work… excellently.